Wheat flour bread – T1000
Rye flour bread – T930
It is a dark traditional flour which a hight mineral content and taste characteristics gluten. Heterogeneity and quality bread and pastries you will achieve a combination wheat flour bread whith rye flour bread at a rate that you specify.
Whole wheat flour gramah type is made from select varieties of winter wheat and rye. Compared to standard light flours are characterized by a higher content of fiber and minerals, phosphorus, selenium, zincm iron and coarser constitution. We support is added to the usual kinds of flours and local bakeries.
Full-sized flour milling there is a gradual process in which the grain is cleaned and milled grain, including the germ, which remains part of the input raw materials. Against standard light flours are characterized by a higher content of fiber and minerals, for example calcium, phosphorum, selenium, zinc, iron. Products of full of flour are significantly softer and longer durability. Is suitable for everyday use in the home and home bakeries.